The End of Solution Sales? Be a challenger! #solutionsales #strategy @CEB_Challenger

I'm just reading The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation by Matthew Dickson and Brent Adamson. I'd missed this from last year but was recommended it by my mate Graham Spivey. It explains the research based findings and subsequent approach from CEB. Neil Rackham, a personal hero from when I attended the first ever SPINĀ® Selling course he ran for IBM (long ago), suggests in the foreword that:
"the research they have done is the most important advance in selling for many years and may indeed justify the rare and coveted label of "sales breakthrough".
It highlights that, in the current world of complex sales, the best salespeople don't just build relationships, they challenge them. The End of Solution Sales? Well worth a read.

(Diagram clipped from CEB's website and their copyright)