microBizTwoZero rides again (and welcome Postach.io)
Published by David Terrar,
I used to have a Posterous blog, and then that got acquired and disappeared. Signing up to free stuff is always a bit of a risk and a bit of an experiment. Somewhere I have a file dump of my old posts there and I'll have to do something sometime. But today, I was talking to my mate Daniel Steeves about something Cloudy he is doing for a Like Minds event coming up at the ExCel. I was trying to remember the other co-founder along with Drew Ellis. It took me ages to remember and google searches were no help at all. When the brain did work, I remembered it was Scott Gould - we met and talked a number of times at Amplified events, Tuttle and the like, but i never made it down to Exeter. Anyhow a quick search found a pointer from his dotme site to this very cool Evernote based blogging platform called Postach.io he must be trying out. Serendipity at its best! My first impression is that this is an awesome little idea. I love Evernote! I may grow to love Postach.io - I am definitely going to give it a try. This is a bit of an experiment - regular, quick thoughts on the digital economy, cloud, mobile and social. micro Business Two Zero rides again!