A simple blogging platform driven by Evernote - Postach.io #microblogging #evernote #postachio

If you've found this, you've found my new Postach.io micro blog. First let me say I'm a huge fan of Evernote - every note I take, and almost every word I write starts life in Evernote, gets tidied up and then published in the appropriate place elsewhere. For example, theres' a folder for all of the posts and ideas for posts for my main BizTwoZero.com business blog. I used to have a Posterous micro blog to publish and tweet shorter business and technology ideas, but the platform got taken over by Twitter, and promptly disappeared (it wasn't doing as well as US rival Tumblr in any case). On Friday I found Postach.io. It's an awesomely cool, dead simple blogging platform powered by one of your Evernote folders.

I understand it was created just 4 weeks before Evernote’s 2013 Devcup back in March. It won the "Best for publishing" award there. It's the brainchild of Input Logic, a Vancouver-based company founded two years ago by UI designer Shawn Adrian and programmer Gavin Vickery. They had the intention of becoming a software development firm. The company bootstrapped its first app, proposal writing aid QuoteRobot, and then sustained itself with contract work over the past couple of years. This year, the company stopped doing client work to focus on Postach.io instead.

The idea is simple. Sign up, pick a sub-domain (or link your own domain), link an Evernote folder to the service, and notes that you tag as "published" get published next time you sync your Evernote with the web. That means you can blog straight from Evernote notes on your desktop, your iPad, your iPhone (or of course Android and the web too) - Postach.io sorts out the formatting for you. There are a growing selection of nicely designed themes. You can dive in to the CSS and the code if you are technically inclined, but you don't have to, You can have static pages on a top menu by tagging notes as pages (it sorts out the order by creation date). The themes are "responsive design" mobile friendly. It's easy to share photos and videos. If you link up your Twitter or Facebook and you tag a post with "tweet" or "fb" it does that sharing too. It links up with Disqus for commenting.

I had been missing Posterous, but now I've got Posach.io! It's free now, but I'm sure some things will become Premium eventually. That's not a problem - I want them to succeed and I want them to stick around. My guess is that Evernote will want that too, and so the risk is reduced.

There are lots of ways you might use this thing - I strongly recommend you take a look.

And while I'm at it, here are Brad Lemon's 9 tips for getting the most out of your postach.io blog